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Little touches that make a connection

Writer: Pamela Lambert-BarnesPamela Lambert-Barnes

In between all the receiving, assembling and waiting I have been tackling the small tasks that personalize a space.

If you recall Oonah wanted mint and Wyatt wanted skulls. I have applied the mint colour to the colour scheme but did not incorporate skulls into the design whatsoever!

I discussed the skull issue privately with Glenn and he whole heartedly agreed that there are cool skull décor items but Wyatt will definitely change his mind once skulls are actually in place.

Wyatt is 8 and doesn’t like scary stuff so where skulls as an idea came from, I don’t know.

He is like me – we don’t watch scary movies. Even a little bit of suspense, danger and emotional harm disturbs our sleep and for those who sleep near us.

I don’t want to ignore “my clients design wants” so I have a small scale plastic skull that didn’t cost much and can be tossed. I will also print off a skull and put it in a frame and maybe some stickers around to look… skater or rebel like… I don’t know. Nothing permanent but to speak to his identity as he will share the room with Oonah.

I am working on mounting a nice world map I sourced from a Canadian Map Company – MapTrove.

The periodic table of elements idea is kicking around and I have a pencil plan…

I recovered some floor cushions their Grandma gave them a couple years ago. Reusing! Oonah’s pillow is in a fun fur mint fabric while Wyatt’s is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Glenn liked the TMNT fabric! I shouldn’t be surprised – he wears a spider man comic mask for Covid Protection. Maybe I should use the leftover fabric and make Father & Son masks as a Stocking Stuffer. Hmmn. Lets hope the Pandemic is over and I can find an alternate craft.

The cubby window coverings production is underway. Little mess up on something that I have literally done before with perfect execution. Sigh. Not going to bother you with that story...

Some new chalk and whiteboard erasers for the easel so they can do Pictionary. Gotta bring in an egg timer.

There is a little bookcase that I want to present some of their toys that display well. Steven Sabados did a tutorial on painting toys for a POP art style but the relationship with the toys may still be fresh and my kids may freak out.

Here is a link to the fun you can do...

I may get them to do some art within the colour scheme so there is a connection and immediate ownership for the big reveal.

Stay tuned...



Burke Mountain Coquitlam BC

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